Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Giesbrecht Plight Proves Taliban are a Fraud
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The plight of a Canadian convert to Islam who ran a pro- Mujahideen website "Jihad Unspun" proves the Taliban are a fraud ultimately run by the CIA and MI-6. Beverly Giesbrecht, 52, was kidnapped by the Taliban last November while working on a documentary film in Northwest Pakistan. Apparently they are demanding $375,000 for her release. Look at this heartbreaking recent video in which Giesbrecht pleads for her life. She is obviously in terrible health and says she will be beheaded at the end of March."The time is now very short and my life is going to end," she concludes. In a previous video last month, she said: "I am very sick. I need a hospital right away. I'm missing teeth. I have pneumonia and I need this release to happen quickly." The politics behind this kidnapping are puzzling. Giesbrecht ran what was virtually a pro-Taliban website. Why would they treat a friend and fellow Muslim in this fashion? Why would they expect their common political adversary to ransom her? Are they so out of touch? The news stories make clear that the Taliban is holding her hostage. She repeats this twice in the video and in four months, the Taliban have not denied it.The Canadian government, which is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, is being asked to ransom her. Naturally they are dragging their feet. In contrast, when a female Canadian CBC-TV reporter was kidnapped in Afghanistan recently, they arranged a prisoner exchange immediately. The Canadian government should take pity on Giesbrecht and negotiate her release. They should treat all Canadian citizens the same, not depending on their beliefs.The story illustrates that these Illuminati wars are fabricated to perpetuate war for war's sake. They have bankrolled both sides of every war in modern history. No one should put his or her life on the line. Giesbrecht converted to Islam in 2002 and took a Muslim name. She obviously bought the Taliban message. I wonder what she thinks of it now.As everyone knows, the Taliban were created by the CIA and probably still do their bidding. No one can carry on a war without substantial financial backing and you know who has all the money. The various Western intelligence agencies work for them.


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